Just came back from MATTA Fair 2008 in Putra World Trade Centre. Today is the first day of the fair, and it will be end by this Sunday evening. As expected, it was extremely clouded. But we estimated tomorrow and Sunday would be peak.
We'd arrive there about 2:00pm, had collected many brouchers and package information. Doesn't matter you need it or not, the stuff from each travel agencies will just try pushing all the brouchers to you. It might due to too many travel agencies there and the business competition was too hot. Well, you just don't know how to choose. After visiting some booths, I already felt exhausted will all loaded packages information. My minds was totally out. Don't know what to choose.
Some offers were really cheap, but you have to be careful. Most of its were using Air Asia flight. That is the reason why they can offer so low price. And, some more you have to ask whether it's covered for airport tax and air flight fuel. If it's excluded, you better put its into your mind to add in your budgets. Besides, you should also ask what type of hotel is in the package? Is there any options to choose? Up to what standard is the hotel (how many stars)? Normally they will allow you to upgrade the hotel (eg. from 3 stars to 4 stars; from border location to downtown), but there will be additional charges. So, all this kinds of options and upgrade consideration will put the decision more complicated.
If you are confusing and can't really make up your mind, I suggest you find a seat in the food and beverage booths which located nearby, and order a cup coffee. Then, carefully review back every information you had collected just now. If you still can't make up your mind ( I know it's tough. In fact I can't make up my mind in the fair), then I suggest you do as I did. Bring back all the information and discuss again with your spouse or family member who will join your trip. Then find the best and drop by the fair again by tomorrow or Sunday.
In fact I already made my decision now for my vacation plan, and I'm going to drop by the fair by tomorrow afternoon again. I hope you will find yours in this MATTA Fair 2008.
Bagan should lead the global way
2 months ago
hi. i dint get to go to the matta fair.pity. anyways do u have any idea on where to find the same promotions on any website?
Well, at least you skip the cloud ^^
I suggest you can pay attention on AirAsia's promotion from time to time. You can book the air ticket in package, which include accomodation. They can offer very attractive price. Furthermore, their lines are increasing, even now you can direct fly to Hong Kong.
However, if you talk about Hong Kong, I still prefer Cathay Pacific Airway. Same, you can book the air ticket with hotel in package. Their services are excellent. Here's the link:-
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